Races of Dalelands -- Star Elves (High Elves)

 Star Elves (High Elves) :

High Elves, are tall, thin, beings of notably power. They live a very long time - 1,000 years is reaching old age, and some have lived 2,000 years. They are haughty, and the more disagreeable types will point out that they are the continuation of the elves that first came to the Arth (or at lest, closest to them). They live in enclave communities, generally living apart from others. They have generally human features, a tall, thin human could be mistaken for one, and generally their ears are pointed but elegant. As a community, they have their own cares and their own concerns, and generally try to remain aloof of other races, or even other elves, unless trade or politics demand it. It is surprisingly common for High Elves to join adventuring parties, but generally they have a reason other then just tomb robbing.

According to the Elves own stories, they claim to have come "From the stars" and the High Elves insist to this day that this is true.  The High elves suffer from very low birthrates.  Some Star elven communities have gone years without a birth of a new member. The largest community known is the Elven Ward in the City of Dalewood.


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