Priory of Zakos
The Priory of Zakos
The Priory of Zakos is small castle undergoing renovation. It houses a chapter of the Zelots of Zakos, a crusading order that is the most visible and well known part of the faith of that deity.
Established five years prior, it houses fifty members, 15 knights (Fighters ranging from level 3-6), 15 squires (level 1 fighters), 15 Associates (Most notably a cleric Hanna Apa Sakka, Level 4) and five members of the high council (3 fighters at level 8, a magic user (Asaria of Yew, Level 9, and Kassos (Level 10 fighter).
This group is dedicated to Zakos, and firmly believe in the goals of the Crusade, of cutting out chaos stem and root. Long term the Zakoites would love to see Blackgate eliminated as nexus of evil and Chaos, however near term their goals are much simpler.
1) Keep the roads open and secure.
2) Attract some farmers and townsfolk to make the Priory a ongoing concern.
3) Earn money to finish repairs on the castle.
The Priory will be curious on what adventure groups find in Blackgate, though they will refuse to join adventure groups. A mostly lawful group that gives intel and money may become a ally, at which point the Priory may assign knights to aid the group.
The Priory can replace 2 knights and 5 total members a month, to a Max of 35 knights and 75 members. (they are still recovering from the Battle of Mott's Ford.)
The Castle keep is fully repaired, as is some of the outbuildings, including the baths, but the outer wall, originally stone, is mostly Wooden stockade till the stone walls can be repaired.
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