Calendar for the Dalelands
Calendar for the Dalelands.
Time is generally viewed as the domain of Cronos, the dragon of time.
The year consists of 360 days, split into twelve months. Weeks are not used, instead most use X day of (insert month name). Calendars are both represented in a linear fashion, and also as a circle, with each degree being a day. It is common for Calendars to have a dragon motif, to celebrate Cronos.
The Months of the year are the following, the prentices are a approximate month for northern hemisphere.
Last frost (February)
First Seed (march)
Rain (April)
Second Seed (May)
Morning Star (June)
Midsummer (July)
Midyear (August)
Last Seed (September)
Harvest-Hearth (October)
First Frost (November)
Evening Star (December)
Frostfire (January)
There are six feast days a month (Thus the term "72 feasts" is used sometimes in reference to the year. )
Important Feast days not associated with a god are Last Frost (1 day of Last Frost), Midmonths (15th of each month), Hearthhorn (20th day of Harvest-Hearth), Midsummer (16th day of Midsummer), Frostbreak (16th day of Frostfire) and Oakheart (5th day of Morning Star)
Last frost celebrates the new year, Hearthhorn is a harvest festival (as all fall harvests should be in by then) Midsummer is not unlike our midsummers, and Oakheart is a day of forgiveness of debts and punishments.
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