Some religious stuff

 Just going to pencil in some of the gods who will have shrines near the area.  They will be somewhat generic so one can replace them if you are putting blackgate in your own campaign.

Evangeline, Mehr, Serapis (and Rhea ), Zakos

Thor, Xim

Mortica and Typhon

Evangeline: "Our lady peace" -- goddess of Travelers and peace - she has wayshrines that offer shelter to travelers

Mehr: God of light and trade and oaths.   Being a trading town, Kara's Point has a shrine to Mehr.

Serapis:  A fertility god and a god of harvests, along with his wife Rhea, it is one of the two main religions in Kara's point, as Mehr is more for those who travel into town to trade.  Also handles the underworld aspects.

Zakos:  A crusading god of law, and a human who ascended to godhood, a Sept is located in the area, and the knights of Zakos keep watch and try to keep the roads clear, at least too Oldstones.

Thor:  My players always want to play with nordic gods it seems like, so Thor is Thor.

Xim: Lady of Luck -- Goddess of fate and luck, and is fickle.  There may or may not be a temple/casino in the goblin town.

Mortica: God of the undead.

Typhon: Set is overused, so Typhon takes his place.


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