"Heart of Yew Inn" - Kara's Point


Okay, our first key.
1. The Heart of Yew – This is the inn and unofficial town Hall of Kara's Point. Made of stone and two stories with a large stable to hold at least twenty (20) horses and mules. The Inn has beds for forty five (45) guests and additional “Hay berths” for an additional ten (10). The inn serves food and beverage at book rates. The ale and bird is noted as good, while the pork is viewed as subpar.

People of note:

Gregory Oldstone
: Neutral Male Human Fighter, Lvl: 4,
Atr: 16/13/16/17/13/8 HP: 24

Clainmail, Scimitar +1, crossbow

Notes: A retired adventurer and now owner of “The Heart of Yew". His beard is already turning grey, and he is known to mutter if he forced to work. He runs an honest inn and is well respected. Almost the entire town would defend him in a fight. He does not tolerate fighting and hangs a crossbow to remind folks that he serious about it.
In a trapdoor under the kitchen hearth is his life savings. 4000 CP, 7054 SP, 578 GP, 3 gems worth 500 each. He will also have a lockbox in his room with 2000 SP and 1000 CP used for day to day transactions of the inn.

Adora of Longgrove:
Lawful Female Elf Fighter, Lvl: 2,

Atr: 17/14/14/18/10/9 HP: 11

Equipment: Plate Mail, Hand Axe, Long sword

Natar of Longgrove:
lawful Female Elf magic-user , Lvl: 2,
Atr: 8/14/11/15/16/16 HP: 7

Equipment: Staff, dagger.
Spellbook: Magic Missile, Mending, Shocking Grasp, Jump.
Scrolls: Sleep x 3

These two are sisters, in fact, twin female Elves who are long time patrons of “The Heart of Yew”.
They remain aloof from any attempt for the party to contact them, and will refuse to join the party. In fact they have been sent by a council of Elves to keep watch. As Kara's Point will be a major stopping off point to explore Blackgate. They will keep track of the party, and if the party is noted as seeking to eliminate the evils, they may give unexpected help. As the party gains levels, you can add levels to keep them in the range of the party. Have 2,000 SP in their room in a lockbox.

Altos Chigurh
: Chaotic Male Human Fighter, Lvl: 3,
Atr: 15/14/11/11/13/13 , HP 19

Equipment: Banded Mail, Light Crossbow, Light Hammer

This man will be at the bar and will drink the night away. He will try to present himself as being harmless as possible, but the reality is a conman and a listener, and will sell info to anyone who pays (including the party) info. Not all will be truthful. He learned that selling info is much safer then going into dungeons, and pays well.

Iruri: Neutral Female Human, Lvl: 0, Atr: 10/7/12/10/12/17 ,
AC: 10, HP: 4

Equipment: None

Iruri is a young dark haired, dusky lass who serves ale to the patrons of "The Heart of Yew". She is quick with a joke or a light of your pipe, and she wants to get out of Kara's point, as she was left here as a child by a merchant.

: Lawful Female human, Lvl: 0,
Atr: 14/12/9/10/9/13 , HP: 3
Equipment: None

Gillota is an older blond woman who works the kitchens and serves ale at "The Heart of Yew". She has three children by three men who are long outside of her life

Yllara Sourleaf: Lawful Female Halfling, Lvl: 0,
Atr: 9/16/12/12/14/14 HP: 4

Equipment: None

A loud, foul mouthed Halfling, she is well loved by some, and hated by others. She will say what she feels and does not care about what others think. She is not a fan of all the adventuring types showing up, but will grow to like them if they start to invest/lay roots in Kara's Point.

Orion of Whitetop: Chaotic Male Magic‐user, Lvl: 3,
Atr: 14/17/14/12/9/12 , HP: 9

Equipment: No Armor, Dagger
Spellbook: Feather Fall, Sleep, Protection from Evil, Ventriloquism, Enlarge(1st). Stinking Cloud. (2nd)

Scrolls: ESPx1

Orion is a unique man. He will come up the party and say "wanna see magic?" and then pull a copper out of someone ear. Dressed in garish robes, he could be mistaken for a fool. He will by all appearances appear to be a (not very good) stage performer pretending magical ability to entertain guests. He will also try to sell fake amulets and rings of protection and other false magical goods. If confronted he will admit that he is a fake magic user.
The reality is much darker. He is a devoted follower of Mortica the Pale, and he has come to town to spy on the town, as the party gets stronger, and closer to the Mortica Temple on level 4 of Blackgate, he will try to ask for information on where the party is going, so that he can feed that to his bosses so they can arrange an ambush. He should be played as a fool till he found out.

There will be 2d6 other patrons (of which, 1d4-1 will be adventuring types). If a Caravan is in town, it will have 10+1d12-1 caravan workers.


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